AutoCAD Basic Tutorial for Beginners - Part 2 of 3

1 year ago

In this AutoCAD Tutorial for beginner video series you will learn about AutoCAD from scratch.

The video will start with the basics and gradually introduce you to the Draw, Modify tools, drawing management and Annotation tools, and finally a practice project and plotting the drawing.

The complete table of contents of this second part video is as follows

0:16 Making Polylines
1:14 Making Circles
1:47 Making Arc
2:19 Making Rectangles
3:06 Move tool
4:06 Copy Command
4:56 Rotate Command
5:57 Mirror Command
7:00 Making Fillets
7:59 Trim Command
9:01 Offset Command
10:05 Object Snap
12:34 2D practice drawing

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