1 year ago

This is The Great Awakening

A world wide military operation has been in play to awaken the masses from their sleepy states whilst also removing all darkness

We are watching a movie and behind the scenes we have we all have been put through a huge psyop
Our soul is the Truth and to Be in God space we have to come from love. Evil operates through thought as their is a conscious choice to do wrong and deceive. Decieve is to do evil =devil

So whilst we are being shown information and being told what is happening, our experience does not match our reality and slowly more and more good people are snapping out from the spells

The colours being pushed to us over the last few years are blue and yellow, both natural colours, Gods colours. We are a 3 part being body, mind and soul

When we get out our head/mind (ego) and into our heart/body we are closer to God.
Our experience (soul) can only come through our senses (body). Our thoughts (mind) are not part of our senses

Yellow for the Soul, our Sun
Blue for the body. The body of earth
Which leaves Red for the mind.
The have always tried to corrupt our mind with fear. Red shoe club, Saturn, The Devil,

We are now seeing lots of events taking place around the world and the masses are awakening from their slumber and experiencing God work magic in many ways #harrythesoulcoach #psyop #spiritualbeing #blueandyellow

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