Behold So-called "Green" Energy Killing the Environment!

1 year ago

This is the disgraceful reality behind the climate change agenda. A reality most Australians never get to see.

How do the Greens feel about vulnerable Greater Glider habitat being cleared in Far North Queensland? Will they say it's for the Greater Good?

What about pushing out the endangered Northern Quoll in order to dig roads and huge holes for these monstrosities?

Critically endangered native plants making way for concrete, fibreglass, and steel that will be consigned to the scrap heap in 12-15 years is acceptable by-kill for the Green Agenda? Really?

How on earth did this get past the wildlife conservation watchdogs? Just look at this environmental vandalism being carried out in the name of saving the environment.

Scarring the landscape and fiddling the books for an agenda that's killing our country. It's criminal.

We support Friends of Chalumbin.

Thank you to Steven Nowakowski for sharing the videos.

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