(Info): 1/2 SSP info about antichrist & how they run this reality

1 year ago

Too much electronic harassment I had to stop because dumb as fuck pedo homo Nazis Next video part 2 I will have pictures and videos to show examples of what I’m talking about and not myself talking because apparently SiS are super horny 247 for nothing but dick shit cock and balls






The annunaki Reptilians, the New World order, run “community oriented policing,” from China. They are black hole entities, they control area 51 from an exo-political agenda. They have placed a dragon moth in to my brain, with a funding and a secure home I can remove it and activate my dna to achieve angelic dna activation of ascension like Christ so they want my body since I’m the 144,000 a dragon moth is a very powerful demonic negative extra terrestrial through nano technology connected to area 51 through D-wave digital twin quantum entanglement technologie, and they want to use my body as a human host avatar for demonic possession based off pedophile homosexual Nazi mind control, called satanic ritual abuse to try to plunge my soul out and replace my dna frequency energy with negative ET zero point energy to grow their frequency inside me because I am GodBody technology of the 144,000 sons of God a brother of Jesus. This is very similar to what they did in the movie “they live”.

I need to start to identify how to stop China from implementing in to USA. I have about 4 videos to 7 with US whistleblowers in the army and main stream media showing how China is infiltrating all of America for the rise of the NWO to help advocate the spread of mark of the beast nanotech I’m connected to so to try to grow fallen angels and demonics in to everyone’s body, but nobody knows this is happening.

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