Loving Box-Slaves Exist in Coerced-Consent & Freedom! #slavery #freedom

1 year ago

My friend David James Rodriguez says, he did the math and figured out, if you begin working a 9-to 5 and pay all of your bills on time, by the time you're in your sixties, you've paid over a third of your lifetime - in rent and taxes, as an hourly worker, you've spent a third of your life on that box. That could be alright, in certain circumstances, but most often, of course, becomes what we call "wage slaves" or what I call box-slaves.
As I have said, I've learned thru research that most communities will require you to work two to four hours a day in trade, if it's well established, and of course, possible long hours during harvest or festivals. This of course is drastically different in a region such as the Bay Area where people in communities might be coerced into voluntary slavery, all day, every day -for their guru's teachings, for example, as well.

Of course, as well, in the (sooner or later) future, humanity will live in communities. However, my will is towards communities forming that are somewhat invulnerable to the dark side infiltrating it, say for example, with the use of the Course in Nonviolent communication, or sitting people down in the beginning to watch some of my videos to overstand! There are many ways to heal and get real with one's blueprint. The question is, are you ready? ENJOY & GIVE ME A THUMBS UP, SUBSCRIBE and CLICK THE BELL if so!

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