Special video report from Steve Quayle and Mike Adams: The ‘American’ ‘government’ turns its weapons of WAR, the PEOPLE, against the PEOPLE

1 year ago

The tyrannical CORPORATE US "government" now treats the "American", I.E. US people the exact same way it has treated other nations for decades: Threats, coercion, force, pillaging and weaponization of everything. No "American", I.E. US CITIZEN should be surprised that the same lawless tyrants who have traumatized the world have now turned their weapons inward, against the people.

What the "government" CORPORATION just did to #Lahaina in #Maui has been done already to Libya, Iraq, Panama, Afghanistan, Syria and a long list of other nations. The US "government" CORPORATION FASCIST regime has long abandoned any intention to coexist with other nations -- or with its own people -- in a mutually beneficial balance. It no longer has any capacity for negotiation, compromise, compassion or humility. Rather, the US regime characterizes the raw quest for power at any cost, no matter how many lives are destroyed or rules of law have to be violated. The "rules based order" means we order you to follow our rules, and we may change those rules at any time, for any reason, without explanation or justification. And the label "democracy," when uttered by these tyrants, means nothing more than kowtowing to their demands for total control over all the planet's resources: Energy, food, minerals, land, labor and more.

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