Darwin pt1: Evilution, Eugenics and Scientific Genocide.

1 year ago

Is there more to the Charles Darwin story than we are told? For instance, did Darwin like to kill things. Did he like to kill things with his hammer? Did his family practice inbreeding? Was he a eugenicist, and were his children avid eugenicists? Was Karl Marx a Darwinist, and was Adolf Hitler one, both implementing what Charles Darwin believed and presented as 'science'? Is genocide scientific, and do morals really exist? Did Darwin elevate nature, or devalue human life? Are infanticide, euthanasia, suicide, and abortion scientific acts of social progress based on Darwin's 'scientific' principles?

Did Darwin derive his ideas from pagan mythicists and poets? And is atheism promoting evil as 'science'? Let's find out.

Full Archive - see Atheism folder for reference works:

Where Was Your Church before Luther? Claims for the Antiquity of Protestantism Examined
S. J. Barnett - Church History: Studies in Christianity and Culture / Volume 68 / Issue 01 / March 1999, https://drive.google.com/file/d/12uOvSr-RbMaY5IJj6qnrX-SAwHOToipw/view?usp=drive_link

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Sources for my series on Sharia Law/Fiqh

Reliance of the Traveller - Umdat al Salik (Sacred Islamic law)

Hedaya Volume 2:

Brill Encyclopaedia Of Islam (13 Volumes) - See Dictionaries_References folder in Full Archive

Brill Encyclopaedia of Islam vol 13 Index

Islamic and Talmudic Jurisprudence: The Four Roots of Islamic Law and Their Talmudic Counterparts - Judith R. Wegner https://www.jstor.org/stable/844605

The Sources of Islamic Law (Abrogation Naskh)- John Burton

Was al-Shafii the Master Architect of Islamic Jurisprudence? - Wael B. Hallaq

Digest of Moohummudan Law - Baillie

Ihya Ulum al Din volumes 1-4 - See Islam - Sharia Law folder in Google archive

Brill Encyclopaedia Of The Qur’an (6 Volumes) - Jane Dammen McAuliffe

Bashishti Zewar - https://www.islamicbulletin.org/free_downloads/women/bahishti_1_2_3.pdf

Sabb al Rasul - The Unsheathed Sword Against Those Who Insult Mohammed

Guidance to The Uncertain - a Response to the Jews and Christians

Ibn Taymiyyah - The Religious and Moral Doctrine of Jihad - https://www.dropbox.com/s/ia72s42lp32w62i/Ibn_Taymiyyah-Moral_doctrine_of_Jihad.pdf?dl=0

Yasir Qadhi - An Introduction to the Sciences of the Quran (Abrogation)

Useful files on Islam

Islam - Shared Searchable Online Database: https://1drv.ms/o/s!BJTCgSI6HCcm33ovzTNDT9uPoT7q?e=jdqcMD6DQkG-lAYFnUg45w&at=9

Authentic Seerah and Famous but Unauthentic stories from The Seerah of The Prophet Muhammad

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