Doomberg - Substack author where energy and finance meet. Not just a pretty green chicken!

1 year ago

Doomberg puts a new definition to Green Chicken in the coal mine. Substack author where energy and finance meet.

This was one of my favorite podcast guests! Doomberg around my house is a legend. My wife is tired of "Doomberg said this or Doomberg said that.' And when I told her we had an interview scheduled she said either "I move out or you go to the lake house."

Well, I sure am going to miss her, as I went to the lake house.

Doomberg's success is from several places where you can't only have good luck. Their attitude towards life is the differentiator of their success and industry thought leader. Doomberg described their business model, success and the key ingredient is the intrinsic value of one's self.

As we talked, hearing fantastic information about the energy markets was phenomenal. But their choices to have fun, be successful, and impact the world without compromising to other people's demands are admirable and rare.

Subscribe to Doomberg for the energy knowledge and stay for the fun. The writing style and detail is just one example of how being happy is more important than success. I learned that Doomberg was able to mix success with happiness.

Thank you Mr. Doomberg for stopping by the podcast! I had an absolute blast, and hope you can fly by again. - Stu

Highlights of the Podcast

00:00 - Intro
01:28 - Tell us about how Doomberg got started and where you are right now
03:32 - Do you work remote?
04:43 - It's okay to have your eggs in one basket as long as you control what happens to that basket Elon Musk. And then we start jumping right on into China was here. Would you have an opinion on this?
07:02 - We decided to do a deep dive on First Solar because of the following reason
09:04 - So we wrote a piece a while ago called No Assembly Required
11:03 - Wall Street Journal and everything was saying that China, they're worried about China's economy this morning
12:59 - You were talking about warehouses and how the activists are going to start going after the Warehousing. How is that going to affect the supply chain?
15:38 - We are more than happy with the relative demise of the US media in the narrow sense that it has provided us with the economic opportunity to create an amazing living
19:30 - We actually just left Twitter for a variety of reasons, which we described in a piece that we wrote called Notes on Access.
21:14 - And again, in full disclosure, we did participate in Substack author led Equity Round we are partial owners of Substack
21:39 - How is notes doing in Substack?
23:03 - I did an interview with the co-founder of Substack he hasn't publish it yet
24:11 - What's coming around the corner for Doomberg?
26:24 - When you sit back and and kind of go with their China, the climate topics interact with energy so well. What are you seeing there?
28:49 - If you do live events, are you the guy that's going to have to be in a chicken soup?
30:28 - Outro

#energy #geopolitics @substackinc #renewableenergy #oil #finance #energytransition

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