MUST WATCH VIDEO: The verdict is in — no one can claim to be ‘pro life’ while continuing to support mRNA injections

1 year ago

Dr. Naomi Wolf: 'We've brought the receipts ...These are absolute criminals'

It really is unbelievable that we still need to have this discussion in August 2023, and yet, so many Christians and even well-known Christian leaders have refused to repent for their support of the deadly genetic vaccines.

Amy Kelly, program director of Wolf’s DailyClout Pfizer Documents Analysis Project, called the information from this batch of Pfizer clinical documents, which included a “Pregnancy and Lactation Cumulative Review,” “among the most horrifying” to be publicly released.

According to a LifeSite News report, the Pfizer document revealed that in its clinical trials, “adverse events” occurred in over 54 percent of cases of “maternal exposure” to the vaccine (including through intercourse, inhalation, and skin contact); 53 women (21 percent) in its trial suffered spontaneous abortions “following BNT162b2 (Pfizer mRNA) vaccination”; and six premature labor and delivery cases resulted in two newborn deaths.

Wolf assured Bannon that “these are definitely unborn babies” being killed, since they involve the death of second and third trimester children, which even many abortion advocates consider to be “persons.”

Wolf noted that despite knowledge of these “dire fetal and infant harms, including death,” caused by the mRNA COVID injections, both Pfizer and the FDA “began an aggressive campaign to get women vaccinated anyway.”

She explains in the above video interview that Pfizer sent this report to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on April 10, 2021, meaning the CDC certainly had knowledge that the mRNA jab caused the deaths of unborn babies.

And yet, in what Wolf described as a “shocking” development, three days later then-CDC Director Rochelle Walesnky “gave a press conference from the White House stating that pregnant women should take the mRNA vaccine, that it was safe and effective.”

Walensky said at the time, “No safety concerns were observed for people vaccinated in the third trimester or safety concerns for their babies. As such, CDC recommends that pregnant people receive the COVID-19 vaccine.”

In fact, as Wolf noted, Walensky declared that “there was no bad time to take it,” including before, during, and after a pregnancy.

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