Hawaiian Maui residents SCREAM F YOU to biden over failed response & FALLS ASLEEP & gets DESTROYED

1 year ago

Joe Biden gets destroyed while maui residents scream F due to his late response. He then falls asleep during the ceremony honoring the maui fire victims.

Help me fight against the corrupt media and get the true information out there.

Biden appears to fall asleep during a ceremony in Hawaii honoring the Maui fire victims - https://twitter.com/disclosetv/status/1693955799197073658

Joe Biden sparks outrage by comparing Hawaiian blaze that killed at least 114 to a kitchen fire - https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12431209/Hawaii-fires-Joe-Biden-tour-joke-damage-deaths.html

Many children likely among the 850 people still missing in Maui wildfires - https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/4163486-many-children-likely-among-the-850-people-still-missing-in-maui-wildfires-governor-says/

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