Egypt Is Building The World's Largest Artificial River In The Desert

1 year ago

Egypt is building the world's largest artificial river in the desert. The New Delta Project is a massive undertaking that will stretch for 114 kilometers and irrigate 2.2 million acres of land. The river will also provide drinking water to 7 million people.

The project is expected to cost $5.25 billion and is being funded by the Egyptian government and the World Bank. It is scheduled to be completed in 2025.

The New Delta Project is a major milestone in Egypt's efforts to secure its water supply. The country is facing a severe water shortage, and the river will help to alleviate the problem. The river will also boost agricultural production and create jobs.

The project is not without its challenges. The water will need to be diverted from the Nile River, which is a major source of water for Egypt and Sudan. The project will also need to be carefully designed to minimize its environmental impact.

Despite the challenges, the New Delta Project is a bold and ambitious undertaking that has the potential to transform Egypt. The project could help to secure Egypt's water supply, boost agricultural production, and create jobs. It is a symbol of hope for the country's future.

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