A massive fire broke out in a skyscraper in Tianjin. Is the CCP still covering up the casualties?

1 year ago

8/20/2023 According to reports from the media in Communist China, a massive fire broke out in the Xintiandi Building in Nankai District, Tianjin. Flames were soaring, with thick smoke billowing from the scene. However, the CCP's official reports claimed it was just a fire on the exterior of the building and stated that they had "not received any reports of casualties." Could the CCP, which disregards the lives of the Chinese people, be once again trying to cover up the true number of casualties?
#Tianjin #fire #Chinese≠CCP #takedowntheCCP
8/20/2023 据中共国内媒体报道,天津市南开区的新天地大厦突发大火。现场火光冲天,浓烟滚滚,而中共官方的报道却称只是大楼外墙发生火灾,且“未收到伤亡报告”。视中国人生命为草芥的中共,该不会又在掩盖真实的伤亡人数吧?
#天津 #起火 #中国人不等于中共 #消灭中共

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