The End of All Things is at Hand - Session 1

1 year ago

This is the first of four messages Doug gave in his interviews with GeorgeAnn Hughes in her podcast, The ByteShow, in December 2010 – January 2011.
Here are my notes:
Some of the topics mentioned: Nephilim Hybrid Breeding Program, Josef Mengele, eugenics, Hitler and Nazi Germany, New Age philosophy, Genesis 6 account of fallen angels cohabiting with human women creating a super-race of demi-gods, occult, advance technology, antigravitic UFO’s (craft), multi-dimensional gateway portals, holocaust, Arian Nordic Homo-noeticus, top secret black ops, UFO abduction breeding program, families of generational ritual abuse, how those in power get their power, Illuminati, kings of the earth, Club of Rome, Bilderberg Group, Council of 13, antichrist, New World Order, Nimrod Apollyon Alexander (first-born hybrids – name of the antichrist), Homo-Satanus – Satan in the flesh, gene splicing, hybrid chimeras, super soldiers, Hollywood mass programming, gateway to the gods, satanic conspiracy, the rapture of the church, the day of the Lord, second advent, pre-tribulation rapture, the wrath of God.
o Doug cites the emerging science of transhumanism that utilizes genetic engineering and robotics that is moving toward the creation of a new species of man, the goal of satanic bioengineering to displace humanity as God created with that which is unredeemable. Reminder: Doug discussed this over a dozen years ago.
o Doug warns of the invasion into the church of the pagan Kundilini spirit evidenced by “holy laughter”, bodies jerking and gyrating, being thrown on the floor, ‘slain in the spirit’.
o Doug explains the effects of chronic trauma to victims of Satanic Ritual Abuse, sex abuse, incest, and the resulting Dissociative Identity Disorder (formerly known as Multiple Personality Disorder).
o Will the church go through the tribulation? What is the name of the Antichrist? Who are the Nephilim? Are there Nephilim among us today? Where do the hybrid Nephilim come from? What happens when the restraining ministry of the Holy Spirit is removed from the Earth?
o “The church will go through what will appear to be an Armageddon… It’s the day of visitation” (1 Peter 2:12).
o Doug has clearly taught over the years that our salvation is 3-fold: we were saved (when we received God’s gift of salvation in Christ); we are being saved (commonly referred to as sanctification); and we will be saved (referred to our final salvation when we are raptured – the dead in Christ first rising and then the surviving remnant being snatched out of this world).
o Those who preach a pre-tribulation rapture rarely teach that it will only be a surviving remnant left after God judges His household that will be taken. I believe this is a major reason why those who teach a mid-trib, post-trib, pre-wrath or other flawed doctrine (who actually see the church going through a purging process) consider the pre-trib teaching as an escapist and ignorant view of eschatology. The church will go through tribulation prior to its removal from Earth – but it won’t be the day of the Lord (7-year tribulation) awaiting Israel and the Gentile nations.
o “How are the new-world-order people going to bring about ‘peace and safety’ (1 Thessalonians 5:3) without first the systematic elimination of that which is their obstruction (i.e.: the restraining ministry of the Holy Spirit in and through the church)? (Psalm 2:3) There is a plan to completely remove all Christians, as well as Jews, from the face of the earth. The first target will be the church.”
o “The church is going to face its darkest as well as its brightest hour just prior to the rapture.”
o “Jesus is coming for a prepared people.” Can we really honestly say the church is prepared for Jesus’ coming? Has the bride made herself ready? (Revelation 19:7)
o “When He came at the first advent, He sent a prophet to make a way for the Lord, to prepare a way for the Lord, by doing what? By getting a people ready and prepared for the Lord. It’ll be no less true with reference to the coming of the Lord for His church, and the coming of the Lord for a saved remnant at the end of the tribulation.”
Doug’s series: What is the Church –
The Blessed Hope –
Prerequisites for the Lord’s Return -

Forbidden Gates: How Genetics, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Synthetic Biology, Nanotechnology, & Human Enhancement Herald The Dawn Of Techno-Dimensional Spiritual Warfare – January 1, 2011 -

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