Do you know why the wall was built in China ؟

1 year ago

The fortified wall is one of the oldest seven wonders of China Dania۔ To the north of China, the country of the Mongol nation is inhabited by Mongolia۔ The nomads of this nation, the robber, the lootier and sometimes the rulers here whenever they get a chance، China would have been attacked and the peace of the capable of China would have been spared۔ The Chinese rulers thought it was remedied in such a way that a long wall was built north of China۔ It should be noted that in ancient times, the wall would be built in the form of an obstacle or the trench would be dug around the cities۔ That's why the Chinese built the wall۔ The first Qin ruler in China, whose rule was 221 to 206, built the wall

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