Idiotic vaccine-injured victim thought it was "covid" that gave her blood clots

1 year ago

There is never a shortage of idiots on facebook. You can see my past videos on my channel to see to that for proof. Yet another moron added to my compilation of mocking the vaccinated videos by the name of Ashleigh Zelnick got critically injured by the jab after admitting to getting multiple doses of the clotshot. Even after getting hospitalized, she had the audacity to say that it was "covid" that infected her by wording it as "covid is no joke". These retards are scared of a virus that doesn't exist, but not scared of the vaccines that will kill them? Idiots. They will never get their retarded heads out of their asses. They will always blame everything but the vaccines for what the vaccines have actually done to them. klaus schwab the sodomite faggot would be proud of this moron's stupidity. She's exactly what he wants him to be for his great reset agenda.

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