100 Years of Conspiracy to Destroy American Freedom

1 year ago

100 Years of Conspiracy to Destroy American Freedom .Originally aired on Infowars.com on Dec 22, 2021 banned.video

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1910 "Big Pharma" "Flexner Report" Rockefellers" "the Creature from Jeckle Island"
"Fractional Reserves" "FED" "Federal Reserve" "Inflation" "Hidden Tax" "Tragedy and Hope" "Council on Foreign Relations" "OSS" "CIA" "History 101" "MK-Ultra" "The world Bank" "IMF" "United Nations" "Eaconomic Hitmen" "Henry Kissenger" "Secert Society" "JFK" "Schwab" World Economic Forum" "World Domination" "NSSM-200" "AZT" "Bill Gates" "Depopulation" "911" "New World Order" "1776"

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