God Can Bring to Life What is Dead in You

1 year ago

Can a person stop their addiction?

Can a person stop being bitter and resentful?

Can a person stop being depressed?

If they could, they would have by now; because surely they have tried many times.

So where is the hope for us, when we feel that everything that was good and hopeful inside of us is dead? What hope do we have of living the abundant life Jesus Christ has promised to us?

Can God bring back to life what is dead in us right now?

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Dean has been a pastor for over 40 years, ministering in 48 of the 50 states and across Canada and Europe; and over the years. He has watched a subtle shift in the church as political correctness and humanism have crept in and overtaken the pulpit.

Dean is passionate about laying a solid, godly foundation for many generations. And that is why he began Foundational.

Dean wants to offer article and resources to pastors, church leaders and lay ministers that will help them effectively lead their congregations to a deeper level of discipleship in Jesus Christ; empowering them to lay a strong foundation in their families for many generations.

F. Dean Hackett (Founder of F. Dean Hackett-Foundational) is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com.”

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