Soda, the French Bande Dessinee Dirty Harry, in his first issue.

1 year ago

Soda has been a series with multiple strong entries but is not talked about quite as much as other Franco-Belgian bande dessinee, especially because it came in "late" in history, in the 1980s. A police procedural / drama, Soda follows Lieutenant David Solomon on action packed, gritty and violent adventures in the horrors of 1980s New York.

In this story, Un Ange Trepasse, Soda has to deal with a runaway nurse that he was supposed to be bringing in to a judge, an amoral gun for hire, along with the corruption of the New York Police Department. Seriously a great story.

#comics #bandedessinée #manga #soda #spirou

I'm on Twitter: @SilverCyanide2

You can email me at silver.derstin(AT)

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