051 Sugar Man - A BIG REVEAL: Introducing Sugar Man's Motor Lodge > > > Subsistence

1 year ago

This is very exciting. FINALLY, we are ready to unveil Sugar Man's Motor Lodge. Having been under construction for nearly two RL months, the DIY rebuild of Building B is at approximately 90% completion. This has been a long time coming. I have been tight-lipped (very hush-hush), and operated on the downlow in an effort to keep the secret. It makes me happy to be ready to share.

Although I have more ideas for the Motor Lodge, we will be doing some other things for a while. During this time I will defrag from this insane long-term project.

It was a lot more of a project than I would have imagined. After over 4000 nails (I stopped counting), an unknown number of thousands in logs (for planks), and a big pile of metal scrap, at last the fun can begin.

There will be stunts, adventures, and more hi-jinks to come in future videos.

Thank you to my followers and viewers.

Come for the fun. Stay for the love.

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