Harmony with God (circa 2016) | Ep. 111 soundbite 5 #shorts

1 year ago

"Now you want a king what, like the kings of those nations around you? And so he ended up doing that. He gave into their request and he said unto them in first Samuel, 8: 5 through 7 Behold our old and my sons walk not in thy ways. Now make us a king to judge us, like all the nations. They're telling Samuel this Samuel was the last judge. And but the thing displeased Samuel when they said give us a king to judges. And Samuel prayed unto the Lord and the Lord said into Samuel, hearken unto the voice of the people in all that they say into thee, for they have not rejected the, they have rejected me. That I should not reign over them. See, that's a perfect example of God's Mouthpiece coming to the people to give them the direction, and they don't want to listen and God doesn't see it as, oh, you rejected him. No, they rejected me. So that created discord, that created disharmony. Yes, he gave in to their request, even though he knew that they were wrong."

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Harmony with God (circa 2016) | Ep. 111 - https://www.buzzsprout.com/1585741/13346463

#shorts #king #theyrejectedMe #samuel

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