Natural Selection Points to God

1 year ago

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According to modern theories of #biology and #evolution, it is the fittest who survive – it is those who are best adapted to and integrated into their environment and who have been most conditioned by the world or reality and therefore best conformed to what is true and real.

It is those who are most incompatible with the world and with reality that struggle to survive. They are, according to the theory, the weakest. And the surest sign of vitality and strength, is the ability to successfully reproduce.

Furthermore, the adaptations that species have are evidence of something that is external to them. For example, a bird with a long beak, like a hummingbird, directs our attention to something external to it in the real world, like nectar hidden in small and hard to reach places which can only be retrieved with that long beak.

A giraffe’s long neck directs our attention to the kinds of vegetation which makes them uniquely adapted for certain environments. The blubber of a seal points to the extremely cold climate and conditions that they inhabit.

It tells us something, not just about the organism who lives, survives, and reproduces, but about the nature of reality that they inhabit.

So what do we make of the fact that the samples of human beings that are most invigorated in their existence, most enthusiastic about being alive, and most enthusiastic about reproducing are religious?

Music written and generously provided by Paul Jernberg. Find out more about his work as a composer here:

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