03-6B: Wayshowers II

1 year ago

In the Third Dimension the Dark Ones command the fourth dimensional entities to attack the weakness in the followers. The followers find fear, despair and sadness which causes a downward spiral to close off the energy of the Teachers of Light. The door closes and the followers hide behind the door, afraid to open it to the Fifth Dimension and see the Teachers of Light. As Wayshowers your next move is to walk through the darkness and to step forth into the realm of space and time and matter and to awake those followers who hide in the shadows, to see beyond the masters of the Black Alliance and awake to the power of the mind guided by the heart of light and love. Space, time and matter are not real, yet conscious awareness and experiences are. The Black Alliance's scientists do not explain the dichotomy between the primitive mechanistic philosophies to capture the followers into a nihilistic world view. As a Wayshower, move your followers to see the new reality through Quantum Physics, String Theory, religious mysticism, fractals and sacred geometry, to bring them forward to the outer edge of creation, allow them to see the path of creation goes on and on and never ending.

The Game infinitizes. Bring forth a new generation of ideas born from your soul and reach your individual transformation. Walk the many probable paths which have opened up in your consciousness to new dimensional awarenesses. These new viewpoints come through the unconscious and the higher non-physical consciousness. Be fearless, guide your soul beyond death, past the unfathomable, search the endless mystical realms of infinity, go further than all the other universes and see through the veil. You are a Wayshower who has opened up a new awareness for every living physical and non-physical human soul.

The old world view of the Black Alliance is crumbling upon an unsupportable foundation. Materialism, nationalism, industrialism and capitalism of the current age are stuck and could go no further. It is displaced with a hunger for truth. Every aspect of the future is coming forth in waves of powerful transitional energy. Receive it! The universe was designed to grow, expand, and become more radiant, abundant and beautiful for all and forever. It is what it is. A Wayshower's commitment to Oneness is a collective promise to invoke the energy to release the secrets locked in the mind. Wayshowers bring forth new processes, initiating the awakening consciousness in a synthetic evolution involving all levels of being. Every aspect, the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual are integral to the completion of this step of human evolution. The Teachers of Light teach connection of mind to mind and the clarity of spiritual relationships to enhance the physical, emotional and mental bodies.

The Game moves on and the next move the Wayshowers take is to release the followers from the old images, feelings and experiences which have passed, and take up with heart and keep them heavy with regret, guilt, anger and pain. The move sometimes must be made over and over as it is a sticky place where the followers can get trapped in their own ideas for timeless eternities. The trap is a small dark circle of inward consciousness, it loops and loops lower and lower on the emotional scale heading through depression, fear and hatred to powerlessness in the dark ignorance of a doorless prison. A Wayshowers for a darkened soul first must bring community spirit and loving family. To bring the darkened soul of a lost follower into the Light the Wayshower needs to develop telepathic and empathic communication abilities. Intend this as so and create a seamless telephathic connection from heart to heart.
With wisdom hear the music of these streams and feel the beams of light grow in shared consciousness. Experience enlightenment together in this shared transformation. The evolutionary path of you heart to heart connection with a lost follower will bring forth the Teachers of Light to assist you as a Wayshower into Galactic connectedness. Wayshowers use universal telepathy as a primary means of connection and communication with those who are in closest alignment with the energy of the Fifth Sun.

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