The Simpsons the RAPTURE! Right again?!!!

1 year ago

The Simpsons the RAPTURE! Right again?!!!
Read Revelation. The Synagogue of satan are removed, as is the fake Jews. Satan "That old serpent" is bound for 1000 years and Christ reigns on the earth,1000 years of peace. Satan has been reigning,( and his minions, the fallen angels) Project Bluebeam is what the cabal had planned all along, to trick us into thinking we had missed "The Rapture" WHICH is never mentioned in the Word of God. Rapture means: To seize or capture by force, as in plunder or prey. Please look up Pastor John Weaver and click on his video "Rapture of the Wicked" It is fully backed with scripture. After 1000 years of peace, satan is released for a time and the battles of Gog and Magog are fought. THEN Judgement.

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