The Book Of Acts | Pt. 17 - What Is The Fear Of The Lord? | Pastor Jackson Lahmeyer

1 year ago

Acts 4:5-7
Same group of people that had Jesus sent to Pilot to be crucified
Huge amount of pressure
People are like Tea Bags = Hot Water brings out that which is truly in them
Out of the heart the mouth speaks
Acts 4:8
I thought Peter was filled in Acts 2??
Before conversion - with
After - in
Baptism - upon
Be filled w/HS = constantly being filled
Not a one and done moment
Acts 4:9-10
Peter throws a nice jab in there - we are being arrested for an act of kindness
Do the right thing and get the wrong reward
1 Peter 2:20
Peter wrote this verse from 1st hand experience
Jesus said, "Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake"
Acts 4:11-12
Not all roads lead to God
Jesus said, "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one goes to the Father except through me."
One way to be made right with God = Faith in the Finished Work of Jesus Christ on the Cross of Calvary and the Resurrection from the dead
Acts 4:13-21
Obey God Or People?
What we see here is a time when a law of man directly opposes the law of God
There are times when civil disobedience is necessary
Always obey God's law
Exodus 1 = Civil Disobedience
Acts 5 = Civil Disobedience
When there is conflict, obey God
2020 = Church staying open = Hebrews 10:25
This battle boils down to - Fear of God or fear of man | obedience to God or obedience to man
Jesus said don’t be afraid of the one who can destroy the body but be afraid of the one who can destroy the soul
Fear of the Lord
You will serve who you fear
If you fear the religious leaders you will obey them
Exodus 20:20,
Person scared of God has something to hide
Sin causes us to hide in fear - Genesis 3
Person who fears God has nothing to hide
What is the fear of the Lord?
2 words
Psalm 89:7
Never find the manifested presence of God where there is no reverence
Why do some churches look good on outside but dead on inside? Lack of reverence
Sheridan will never lose reverence for sake of relevance
I'd rather pastor 5 people who fear God than 500 who don't
When we pray - Our father in heaven hallowed
Hallowed = Revered and honored
Unfortunately we treat God and the things of God as common and ordinary
We need to treat God and the things of God as extraordinary
When you get a true revelation of who God is reverence comes natural
God is big
It would be easier to contain all the oceans in a glass cup than to contain all of God in the human mind
To fear God is to obey God
Biggest struggle = Fear of people more than fear of God
So many times the fear of what other people think or what other people will say drives us to make poor decisions in our lives.
Let me give you a disclaimer here that this message that what we are about to talk about has been one of the biggest battles in my own personal life.
The fear of what people may think or say about me has been a real struggle of mine since I was a little kid.
To be vulnerably honest with you I want people to like me.
In fact I want you to like me.
But I am not the only one in here who struggles with this.
So many of us are concerned with what other people think.
Our entire life hinges upon what people think or say about us.
But can I just tell you that living in the fear of people is actually very harmful to you as a person.
Proverbs 29:25
A snare is a trap for a bird that keeps the bird from flying.
Did you know you were created to fly? Not fly, fly, but to fly in life.
Yet when you live with the fear of people you are trapped and cannot take off.
Today is a really good day to serve fear an eviction notice because it is time for some of you to start flying.
But what is the fear of people? What does it mean to live in the fear of what other people think.
Simply put the fear of people is when people are big in your life and God is small in your life.
When you are addicted to the approval of other people you are living in the fear of people.
When I first started preaching my greatest fear was that someone in the audience would not like me and it drove me crazy.
After every service I would go to shake hands with people and all I was looking for was for them to say good job and tell me they liked me.
If someone did not say good job I would think to myself I must not have done a good job today and they do not like me.
Thankfully the Lord has matured me a little since then
My concern now is not whether or not you approve of what you hear me preach; my concern is whether God approves of what I preach.
There is a real freedom that comes with putting the fear of people out of business.
When you live with the fear of the Lord instead of the fear of people there will come a freedom in your life.
The fear of people is a trap but trusting in the Lord is freedom and safety.
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