25-SP11: Healing Central Sun

1 year ago

I hear you. I listen to your voice inside. You are where I am. The messages all speak of a transformation that is breaking through reality and will provide for peace.

In higher consciousness, your feelings are enhanced and you are within the streamand you are allowing all that is believed to become real. There are many facets in your reality and your reality is only one perspective. In this reality, you experience polarity.

The ones who have captured your light are from another world and have entered here without respect to the freedom and energy you posses. The Masters of Light come to break away the clouds of your confusion. It is not necessary for you to fight. That is the area that you have been taught. The ones who have disrupted your world are out of alignment and they have become parasites within the being of the earth.

I promise you that this will not continue in restoration of this world and your spirits will be brought into harmony. You are to allow this change to happen without interference. Allow your being to be brought into purity and fulfillment. Let the negative, and gross and difficult and the conflicted and the discord fall away from you. Be in the light. Be light. Be happy. Be joyfull and enjoy this game.

In the distant past of the previous ages, civilizations and cultures, you were brought into awareness of a great catastrophe that destroyed the planet. Your subconscious mind contains memories of the trauma that leaves you in a state of confusion and denial. It happened. Your world did not evolve the way you had wished it to be. All that was created was destroyed and as Masters of the previous age, we are here to guide you. We are called the Teachers of Light so that you may see and know the path to the future that we have promised and agreed to.

The future life is of freedom and wisdom. The path that is taken is through love. Fear is the misdirection caused by the forces of the dark ones who have come from other worlds and other universes. They are lost and have brought fear for they have journeyed away from their truth. The path they have taken is a sad, cruel and dark road with emptiness at the end of time. They are called the Black Alliance as they have formed an association of predators who seek weakness, and exploit those of your world who do not hold the light of love and truth.

For one hundred centuries, they have held dominance over the keepers of the earth, over you and your relations. The first ones who awaken and remember are called WayShowers. They begin to see the truth and share it with the followers who are the ones who seek truth. What is about to happen is about the change that you have come to bring. As you see you world in the days of the changes that have been prophesized, many are expecting to see these changes become a revolution against the evil that has infested the land and turned the people against each other and into animals without minds and souls.

There has been a ignorance that has carried over the land and it has been a fog of confusion. This is not the path of the WayShowers for you are here to be a guide. You have the methods and modalities which will bring peace into the hearts of the people and bring the liquid light of truth. It is through the experience of the light and love that all is brought into wholeness again and you may see past the illusion of the fog.

There is so much that is here to give and so much that have in the power to awaken the millions that are sleeping. For 250,000 years, the Universe has waited for this point, for you to become what you are. This is the stream that you have been building, and from the former civilizations and cultures and the times that were existence on the Western seas and the Norther mountains, in the Southern deserts and the Eastern forests, you remember the great pyramids and the deep libraries of knowledge contained within them, and you find greater wisdom and you find even deeper knowledge once you are awakened to trust your heart to open your eyes to see.

For millions of years, the worlds of these systems, and the worlds of other galaxies have joined and grown as the Families of Light. There has always been freedom and abundance for all who desire to be free. Here upon the earth, we are witness to the turning away from freedom in the fall of the previous civilizations. The masters who have spoken to you and hace called your names, to each of you - your inner teachers lives with the memories and the experiences brought upon the world at the time. They still live and are aligned with the memories and the knowledge of places and events and experiences of other life times. This is the beginning of your multi-dimensional experiences where you are seeing through the veil of time. They share in this experience with you. They are you. They are your inner teachers and they are the ones that know themselves as the teachers of Light.

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