Wake up the Mighty Men

1 year ago

Many are asleep. Sleeping when you’re not supposed to can be dangerous.

"Wake Up the Mighty Men"are stirring words: Joel 3:9-10 Proclaim ye this among the Gentiles; Prepare war, wake up the mighty men, let all the men of war draw near; let them come up: 10 Beat your plowshares into swords, and your pruninghooks into spears: let the weak say, I am strong.

Many seem oblivious even to the fact that we are in a war - and that we are meant to be soldiers on active duty.

We have a mission to fulfil. To make a positive, spiritual impact on our world, for the glory of God.

Will we stir up ourselves? Isaiah 64:7 And there is none that calleth upon thy name, that stirreth up himself to take hold of thee… What a reproach. That there is no one who answers the need. We need a wake up call. We need to be stirred. To stir up ourselves.

Look at the world and what is happening… Persecution. Cults are evangelising, walking our streets, deceiving many. But the church is mostly silent. It’s not stirring itself. It’s snoring.

Most Christians are snoozing, and inactive. Many are asleep, like Samson in Delilah’s lap. Judges 16:20 …And he awoke out of his sleep, and said, I will go out as at other times before, and shake myself. And he wist not that the LORD was departed from him.

Beware, sleeping one! Beware lest you sleep like Samson… the Philistines took him, and put out his eyes. Prepare war, wake up the mighty men…

A sleeping man can do nothing. A sleeping man cannot serve, cannot communicate, cannot activate.

The church is sleeping. We are called to be diligent, but by and large the average churchgoer is lazy, and scarcely a church goer. They settle for the minimum. And the devil loves it that way.

The church gets sleepy when people neglect prayer and fellowship. The Word of God is neglected.

We can miss God’s best and falter and grow apathetic and careless spiritually.

People are toying with the world. Following after false teachers and teachings.

The discernment level of some Christians is just about zilch.

Let us wake up and see the false doctrine. People fall easy prey to wolves in sheep’s clothing. The devil has just about taken over some churches.

We need a spiritual awakening. A revitalisation. A visitation of God. It’s a call to awaken. we must wake up.

Let the weak say I am strong! Our strength comes from God. What’s stopping you from being mighty for God?

We are a spiritual army, a force to be reckoned with. We have need of weapons… we need to take up arms. The weapons that we need are a spiritual equipping. We need to face our fears and overcome them. We need to regain our fighting spirit.

A sleepy soldier cannot see, his eyes are shut, he cannot hear. He is vulnerable, sleepy, unprotected… He is in danger, and what’s more, him sleeping means that others are endangered. A sleepy soldier is not protecting his home, his family, his community.

A sleepy soldier has neglected his duty. He has failed his commanding officer. He has shirked. A soldier sleeping in duty faces discipline. Even court marshal.

We have responsibilities and each of us has a God-appointed work to do. A mission to fulfil. We all have a calling. We all have a station to man. We all have a gift to employ.

The sleepy soldiers need to be roused.

Are we going to be mighty men? Mighty for God?

What’s stopping you? What’s getting in the way?

Realise the power of the Army that we are… a part of… The church. It’s together that we are stronger. Just as the call in Joel's day was to a collective awakening, we, too, can achieve more when we come together.

We rise together as a fighting unit. There’s power in the welding together of this unit that is the church. Unity with our brothers and sisters amplifies our strength and allows us to accomplish greater things. Let’s support each other: Let’s empower others. Awakening the mighty also involves supporting and encouraging one another.

The church is meant to be this strong, fighting force for God. We need to fight some things. We have an enemy to fight. To resist. To repel.

The calls goes out still. Wake up the mighty men!

It’s a call for courage. A call to combat.

We are under attack. The sleepy soldiers will be overtaken.

Let us all answer the call to "Wake Up the Mighty Men".

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