SHRIMAD BHAGAVAD GITA | All Chapters - 1 to 18 in ENGLISH ||

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SHRIMAD BHAGAVAD GITA | All Chapters - 1 to 18 in ENGLISH || श्रीमद भगवद गीता सार | संपूर्ण गीता

Chapter 1 | Arjun Vishad Yog

As the restricting armed forces stand balanced for the fight to come, Arjuna, the powerful warrior, sees his private relatives, instructors and companions in the two armed forces prepared to battle and give up their lives.

Chapter 2 | Sankhya Yog

In part two Arjuna acknowledges the position as a devotee of Lord Krishna in the wake of surrendering to Krishna he asks for the Lord to teach him in how to scatter his outcry and anguish.

Chapter 3 | Karma yog

Everybody must participate in a type of movement in this material world. Be that as it may, activities can either tie one to this world or free one from it.

Chapter 4 | Gyanakarma Snyasa Yog

Supernatural learning - the profound information of the spirit, God, and of their relationship- - is both cleansing and freeing. Such information is the product of benevolent reverential activity (karma yoga).

Chapter 5 | Karma Sanyas Yog

Apparently playing out all activities yet internally denying their natural products, the astute man, decontaminated by the fire of supernatural information, achieves peace, separation, self control, otherworldly vision and euphoria.

Chapter 6 | Atma Sanyam Yog

Astanga yoga, dhyana yoga, a mechanical thoughtful practice, controls the brain and faculties and spotlights focus on Paramatma (the Supersoul, the type of the Lord arranged in the heart.)

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Chapter 7 | Gyana Vigyana Yog

Ruler Krishna is the Supreme Truth, the incomparable reason and the supporting power of everything, both material and profound.

Chapter 8 | Aksara Brahma Yog

By recalling Lord Krishna in commitment for the duration of one's life, and particularly at the season of death, one can accomplish His preeminent habitation, the material world.

Chapter 9 | Raja Vidya Raja Guhya Yog

Master Krishna is the Supreme Godhead and the preeminent protest of love.

Chapter 10 | Vibhuti Vistara Yog

Every wondrous wonder demonstrating power, magnificence, greatness or sublimity, either in the material world or in the otherworldly, are however halfway signs of Krishna's awesome energies and richness.

Chapter 11 | Vishwaroop Darshan Yog

Ruler Krishna stipends Arjuna divine vision and uncovers His astounding boundless shape as the vast universe.

Chapter 12 | Bhakti Yog

Bhakti yoga, unadulterated reverential support of Lord Krishna, is the most elevated and most exxpedient implies for achieving unadulterated love for Krishna, which is the most elevated end of spiriitual presence.

Chapter 13 | Ksetra Ksetrajna Vibhaga Yog

One who comprehends the contrast between the body, the spirit and the Supersoul past them both accomplishes freedom from the material world.

Chapter 14 | Gunatraya Vibhaga Yog

Every single epitomized soul are under the control of the three modes, or qualities, of material nature; goodness, energy and numbness.

Chapter 15 | Purushottam Yog

The ultimatet motivation behind Vedic information is to separate oneself from the snare of the material world and to comprehend Lord Krishna as the Supreme Personality of Godhead.

Chapter 16 | Devasura Sampad Vibhaga

The individuals who have demoniac qualities and who live capriciously, without following the controls of sacred text, achieve bring down births and further material subjugation.

Chapter 17 | Sraddhatraya Vibhaga Yog

There are three sorts of confidence, comparing to and developing from the three methods of material nature.

Chapter 18 | Moksha Sanyasa Yog

Krishna clarifies the significance of renunciation and the impacts of the methods of nature on human awareness and movement.
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