Eyes on The Stars; The Weekly Rhythm August 23rd 2023

1 year ago

We are undergoing many internal changes to our thinking and perceptions; this month, that will intensify with all 6 planets entering retrograde plus Chrion.
This week we have mercury go retrograde until September 16th 2023; this will kick us up with our approach to see how we can develop and reorganise our analytic mind. We are getting more precise and organised about how we are beginning to plan our new directions whilst we adapt to navigating this unknown terrain.
There is a much bigger plan at work here.
Many cycles within cycles are completed, Spells are breaking, and our eyes are opening more to see the objective reality, leaving us perplexed about our part in the greater plan ahead.
This is where we must develop a deep trust and know within ourselves that we will always find a way to thrive and shift during these changing times and beyond.
The faith of a mustard seed.
So much is coming to light that it can almost shock and jolt us into a state of frozen confusion and/or denial; this will pass the more we practice, the more we practice listening to ourselves, the more we will know how to trust ourselves and hear our own innate wisdom.

2023 marks the beginning of the Age of Air Energy, a revolutionary era of science, medicine, technology, climate, and communications. We must first understand ourselves and our place within humanity to navigate this new terrain.
Consciousness is critical in this new era, as energy will be felt and understood positively or negatively.
Pluto will be a navigator for the next 20 years, pushing us to break our glass ceilings and clear our unconscious habits.
Aquarius rules psychology, mental health, and absolute truth though it can be ruthless in its approach and search for that absolute truth.
It is about cleaning and clearing the air, finding solutions and inventions that improve efficiency, sharpening the intellect, birthing a higher intelligence, and awakening our consciousness to understand more.
Those ready to manage Pluto's power can achieve great wealth, but it comes with great responsibility and consequences if misused. This is the time to decide whether you are to choose the Red Pill or Blue Pill - questioning whether will you believe in the Matrix or rebel against it?
Take it easy everyone its not a race, the goal is to awaken.
Wishing you all an excellent clear, and vibrant week.

With Graditude and Appreciation


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