Creepy Krugman's Keynesian Con

1 year ago

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In this video, I discuss Paul Krugman's encouraging the Fed to increase its inflation target from 2% to 3%. If you can't win the war on inflation, perhaps it's best just to move the goal posts, according to Keynesians.

Keynesian economics is a pseudo-science whose primary purpose is to provide the fake theoretical justification for massive amounts of economic central planning, government spending, and money printing.

Krugman says that Bitcoin is evil, but doesn't think it's evil to debase the purchasing power of the working and middle classes through money printing.

Bitcoin fixes this. Bitcoin will slowly "right size" the US government.

Governments can print fiat, but no government can print Bitcoin to pay its bills. Governments will need to mine it, earn it, or obtain it through reasonable tax policy.

And if they try to turn us into economic or political serfs again, we'll just take our Bitcoin in our brains and leave.

Now you can see why people like Buffett and Krugman hate Bitcoin so much: it defunds their little fiat racket, while giving the little guy sound money that cannot be censored or debased by unelected people who live thousands of miles away.

Not investment advice! Consult a financial advisor.

Paul Krugman:

Paul Krugman's failed internet prediction:

Paul Krugman's 10-Year History of Being Wrong About Bitcoin:

Paul Krugman says he was wrong about inflation:

Paul Krugman wants to move the inflation goal posts:

So does Jason Furman:

High inflation is destroying people's lives:

Krugman likes inflation but says that Bitcoin is evil:

Warren Buffett hates Bitcoin too:

Buffett, champion of bailout, is also leading beneficiary:

I am not being paid or otherwise compensated by any company or cryptocurrency project that I mention in my videos. My opinion is not for sale. Please do not contact me with any affiliate or advertising deals.


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