Sirian Doorway - INDIGO REVOLUTION - 13-32: Sirian Doorway

1 year ago

13-32: Sirian Doorway

Through the Sirian Doorway WE speak to your world from the heavens above. WE call you to leave behind the world of entanglements of the Fourth Dimensional quantum space/time emotional matrix. There is no sense in attempting to unravel the knots which are apparent in the multiple realities of the Fourth Dimension. There is the emotional astral plane which keeps the illusion alive and where the Dark Masters are in power and control the dreams.

They have used fear to keep you in deep negative contemplation of illusion. The illusion is an attractive, sticky substance which keeps you stuck in the appearance of reality and there is no continuance here. The Dark Masters use pornography, lust, sensuality, sex, materialism, greed, violence, excitement, diversion, torture, conflict, victimization, rape, hate, attack, mystery and confusion. The dark reality is a fog of substance, the mist of emotional desire which holds attachment to ingredients of essence and not that which is the stream of good life which holds the power of higher light.

The Truth Walkers now speak to you about exactly what you need to live in harmony with source. You are positive energy which is combined and grows with the greater higher vibrations. The negative flow is the pushing against the Light. The Dark ones are attacking joy, love and goodness which only causes more difficulties and negative emotions as the energy of Source overpowers ignorance with Light and Love.

Once you understand that the Sirian Doorway streams energy through the pattern of a trinity of expression of three primary aspects of creation, the idea, form and the creation, then it will become with all manifestations. The vibrating stream of Light aligns humanity and the human body through channeling the stream of transformation through every soul, spirit, mind, and body and .
The Sirian Doorway is not a door as such but a gateway that leads to the Central Sun, it is beyond religion beyond life itself it is the stream of energy which manifests throughout creation and through each being bringing Oneness and fulfillment to each and all.

For Humanity this is important on two levels. First the physical races of humans are to be unified into one being as a perfected Light Body all exist in angular focuses of creation, points of tension which are the physical, mental, emotional and psychic manifestations.

The North is White/Violet; the South is Green/Gold; the West is Black/Indigo and the East is Red/Blue. These vibrational frequencies are representative in such a manner in order to establish and build the requirements of this time. To bring forth a clear picture of reality that all are connected and unified through these angular dispensations of creative energy. These corners of represent your races, the continents and the whole stage of development in a holographic image of your brain, the Light body, the emotional body and the representative of each of your physical bodies. There is a fulfillment of each when upon this Cross all come together in synthesis. When the races combine they are brought into the holy blood of humanity and you are made whole and One. Then your being breathes with the one breathe the divine Higher Light respiration and evolve into Fifth Dimensional awakened consciousness.

Within that time begins recreation, first with the regeneration of the sexes. The two halves of humanity are the male and the female. The male and female have been out of alignment as their positions have been reversed, confused, displaced, interchanged, diseased, infected, wounded, raped and disturbed by a soul sickness that has been healed.

The Soul of Humanity has sought to be part of your planet to bring to evolution her spirit within the Grand Soul of the universe. To accomplish this, the female needed to birth the Higher Light body within herself and the male was to be sacrificed to this effort by letting his personal heart die. The rebirth of the male spiritual heart is now occurring. The pain that is being felt by the male is being sheltered by the love of the female as she sees the path of Higher Light and is birthing the earth child to be born to ascend and raise the vibration of humanity into the Fifth Dimensional realms.

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