Jim Jordan: 'Crazy' Left-Wing Policies

1 year ago

Congressman Jim Jordan speaks to guests at the 2023 NRA-ILA Leadership Forum on April 14, 2023 in Indianapolis, Indiana. The forum is part of the National Rifle Association’s Annual Meetings & Exhibits.

Jim Jordan : . . . Governor Huckabee-Sanders said the divide in America today is normal versus crazy. Remember when she said that. And it is so true. Think about the left today.

It is crazy to say boys should compete against girls in sports. That's just crazy. That's where the lefts at.

It is crazy to think we should defund the police . . .

It is crazy to say non-citizens should be voting in our elections. But that's what the left wants to do.

How about this one. It is crazy to let a spy balloon, and the key, the key word in there is spy. It is crazy to let a spy balloon fly clear across the continental United States. Now again, not just a spy balloon, a spy balloon, not from Canada, not from Panama, but a spy balloon from China. It is crazy to let that fly clear across the country and then shoot it down. But that's today's left.

It is crazy. It is crazy to use federal tax dollars to indict a former president for no crime and then when we try to investigate to take us to court, but that is exactly what happened this last week.

And it is crazy for these federal agencies to be turned against the American people, to be weaponized against we the people like we see, And in particular the ATF. It is crazy to make you a criminal if you have a stabilizing brace for your pistol, but they did that.

And it is crazy to shut down gun dealers for minor paper work violations, but they’re doing that as well. Think about it. Sometimes you got to let this sink in about how serious the time we live in. Think about this. First they want to make you a criminal for having a firearm accessory that they said was okay for a decade, then they want to shut down the places where you can purchase a firearm. That from the ATF. In fact, in two weeks we plan on passing legislation that will overturn that ATF rule when it comes to the pistol price, passing it out of the Judiciary Committee. All those crazy things. That's why what you're doing, standing up for Second Amendment liberties, for freedom, is so darn important.

And understand what we're up against. I always say the left has a template. The left has a way they go about business always the same playbook all the time.

The left will tell a lie, big media will report the lie, big Tech will amplify the lie, and then when you try to tell the truth they try to censor you. They call you racist. They call your fascist. They come after you. The cancel culture mob, the left, the whole thing comes after you.

If you're a mom and dad going to a school board meeting, they're called an extremist. If you're pro-life you're called a radical traditional catholic, and the FBI tries to infiltrate the church that you go to. We found that out this past week, information we got from the FBI.

And if you believe in the Second Amendment, they'll call you some MAGA hillbilly from flyover country, right! That's what they do. I mean, I'm in that category, I'm from right next door in God's country, Ohio. That's what we're up against . . .

. . . So I just came to say thank you. Thank you for being in the fight. Thank you for being part of this great organization, this organization that is committed to protecting freedom.

I learned a long time ago good things don't just happen. You want to accomplish things of meaning and significance you got to get off the sidelines and get in the game, and you were doing that. So thank you for doing that. It's not easy . . .

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