3.7 Million American Children Newly Impoverished

1 year ago

Permanent Washington creates an Inflation nightmare that crushes the vulnerable, including 3.7 million children who have been newly pushed into poverty.

Steve Cortes: Patriots, let's talk about a tragic reality, the harm being inflicted upon children by Joe Biden and permanent Washington because, as inflation sores and real wages crash, children are being thrown into poverty. Let's look at the numbers in a chalk talk.

For the year 2022 the dreadful economic crisis of last year, according to New York Times reporting, a staggering 3.7 million American children were thrown newly into poverty. Now for comparison purposes let's look at Biden versus the economic track record of his predecessor Donald Trump. In 2019, which is really a golden economic year especially for working class Americans under Trump, child poverty hit the lowest levels in 50 years. As a matter of fact for the first three years of Trump's presidency before the CCP virus, the exact opposite scenario of Biden, almost 3 million 2.8 million American children were lifted out of poverty. We know that patriotic economic nationalism works, especially for children.

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