JD Vance To STOP DOJ From Harassing Biden's Political Opponents

1 year ago

Until Merrick Garland stops using his agency to harass Joe Biden’s political opponents, I will hold all DOJ nominees. ~ JD Vance Tweet

Merrick Garland: Hey guys Judy Vance here I'm out of the steps to the US Capitol and I've heard from a lot of people that they're so frustrated as I am with the fact that Merrick Garland has used the Department of Justice for politics instead of Law and I think it's time we stopped just whining about this problem and debating this problem and actually do something about it so I've announced today that I will be holding all Department of Justice nominees that Merit Garland will use if confirmed not to enforce the law and partially but clearly to harass is political opponents I think that we have to grind this department to a halt until promises to do his job and stop going after his political opponents Donald Trump is just one and in the most recent example of the fact that uses his department for political purposes we have Catholic fathers harassed for their life activism we of course have violent criminals walking the streets after the 2020 Summer on Fridays and if you're letting the violent criminals Go free in your harassing parents for their political activism you're not engaged in Justice you're engaged in politics let's be honest about that fact and let's make this department work a little bit more slowly until mayor of Garland changes course and actually does this job the right way thanks guys

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