What Do You REALLY NEED for BIG BICEPS? (Gymnast Edition)

1 year ago

Get the shredded physique of a gymnast: https://gymnasticsmethod.com/start

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Google Play Store: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.virfortis.gymmethod

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Ring specialist gymnaats have insane biceps, and I’m sure you were wondering wether it’s possible to achieve similar results.

In this video, I’m going to summarize what do to if you want to build the biggest possible biceps from the gymnastics perspective.

No doubt that olympic level routines put an enormous strain on the body, and it takes many years of work to reach this level. However, I would like to point out that this is due to the special exercises, strength elements, and acrobatic skills.

Only building muscle doesn't demand as much time and training.

In the case of adult gymnasts, this happens in the same time frame as it does for anyone else, as they are also human, and once they have achieved the muscle mass necessary for their exercises, they basically just maintain it.

The development of strength and skill is more emphasized in their case; the given muscle mass is just a tool and a prerequisite.

I think this is important to note, since gymnasts could be a lot more musclular if they wanted to, but their goal is just to have enough muscle mass to perform the routines perfectly.

They can achieve that with certain exercises and methods.

So if you understand what they do, you’ll be able to improve your physique and build a great biceps as well.

However it’s important to not get injured during this process, since as you’ll see the secret of the gymnast biceps is more than just doing curls.

During certain exercises the biceps is in a stretched position with isometric contraction which puts the tissues under extreme load, so proper warm up and preparation is crucial.

You can find videos about the proper gymnastic warm up and joint preparation exercises on the channel, and the full program on the link below!

And now, let’s see what do you really need to build big biceps the gymnast way!

Get the shredded physique of a gymnast: https://gymnasticsmethod.com/start

Download the app, become a member and get full access:

Google Play Store: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.virfortis.gymmethod

App Store: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/gymnastics-method/id1661126178

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