King Diamond - Insanity (Guitar Cover)

1 year ago

For Joel... you know who you are.

Words cannot express how much I love this tune. Great stuff! Whimsical, majestic, sad, and creepy at the end. The texturable elements are fascinating. I'm fairly certain they are using Adamas, or Ovation acoustics, but sadly since I have neither of these, I corrected my sound as best as I could in post.

The thing that's been throwing me in figuring this out up 'til recently is the altered tuning of the primary acoustic. It's essentially DADGAD but up a whole step. EBEABE. If it wasn't this, I would think it's an 11-string (a 12-string without the low E). But EBEABE just makes too much sense.

Also, since recording this this morning, I now think I'm playing one note in one chord wrong. Too late to fix it now!

In 1992, I'd often imagine Insanity as the soundtrack to someone skydiving and realizing they forgot a 'chute after they jumped. Resigning to fate what has happened, they just enjoy the ride to the calamitous end. Some imagination, huh?

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