The Great Currency Reset Part 2 - Further Thoughts on the RV

1 year ago

My thoughts on the upcoming RV and when it will happen.

Follow one of the RV groups to follow intel and have a higher chance of seeing a notice.
My advice is don't take these groups literally. Take them as White Hat comms, like the Q Drops. We're in the middle of a war, which will break out onto the surface at some point. The White Hats are not going to tell the enemy what their plan is, so they put out comms, both to inform us, the thinking public, and also to confuse the enemy. So think logically and use your common sense when reading intel.
I'd recommend buying currency from either your bank or 100Trillions on EBay.
They seem to be legit, and you'll possibly have a higher chance of receiving a notice if you buy from a known seller that seems to be a White Hats related company.

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