Isaiah 54-56 “The God of the Whole Earth” 8/16/2023

1 year ago

God says something similar in chapter 49:
“Surely your waste and your desolate places and your devastated land—surely now you will be too narrow for your inhabitants. (Isaiah 49:19 ESV)
What God was saying that the land they have will not be big enough to contain all who will come to know Him as the one true God.
And that certainly is the case now…Isarel only has control of a fraction of the land God gave them…most of their land is occupied by their enemies.
But there will come a day when Israel will once again control all the land God had promised them.
Here God tells them “Don’t hold back,” lengthen the cords of the tent (in this case it refers to the land).
Your land will need to stretch out, for it to contain all the people who will come to know Him as the God of Israel.

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