8/22/23 You’re being microwaved! Have Brain Fog? Tired, trouble sleeping, inflammation, depression, headaches, Pain? They want you tired so you can’t think!

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Learn what you can do about the effects of 5G, dirty electricity and more. So many symptoms are caused by them. Brain fog, fatigue, pain, inflammation… learn ways to turn these frequencies into positive, beneficial ones. There are tools that are portable to protect you anywhere. You will be pleasantly surprised! Rick Hassler and his sons, founders of Natures Frequencies will be on to discuss how they harness good, beneficial frequencies such as scalar waves, sound & earth frequencies into sub straits!
#emfharm #5G #brainfog #fatigue #anxiety #dirtyelectricity #fybromyalgia #5Gprotection #EMFprotection #emfharm #4G #EMP #electromagneticfrequencies #electromagneticfield #dremoto #frequencies #nikolatesla #medbed #solfeggio #quantum #quantumfields #432 #428 #528

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