Simon Dixon discusses CrowdFunding on Keiser Report

11 years ago

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Simon Dixon discusses CrowdFunding with Max Keiser on the Keiser Report.

In order to launch a transparent Crowd-Investment Bank, will raise all it's funds from people rather than institutions, the driving principle behind the company. will take the CrowdFunding concept made famous by sites like Kickstarter and Indigogo, where the crowd decide what gets funded by viewing online pitches and contributing money to them in exchange for rewards, and do the same, but this time the crowd get shares in the company, rather than rewards.

Max Keiser and CEO Simon Dixon have been discussing the potential of what can be achieved when applies for a full investment banking license, allowing them to get involved in turning every financial product into a crowd-funded product, shifting the power away from financial institutions and over to the people.

"I believe in a Scorched Earth policy when it comes to bank reform. There is no reforming them actually, given how deeply they have embedded themselves into the host, the UK and US economy. so we must essentially euthanize them with a fully transparent investment bank like Simon Dixon's" Max Keiser are currently seeking funding via a £2m crowdfunding bid so they can apply for the investment banking license and create the first Crowd-Investment Bank.
In their pitch video, CEO, Simon Dixon states he recently turned down the opportunity of funding from venture capital firms and instead decided to put their destiny in the hands of the crowd, where the crowd can become shareholders in by investing online.

There are two ways you can get involved, you can back them in exchange for the rewards on offer, just like a Kickstarter campaign, or you can view their investment pitch and buy shares in the company after completing their very fast compliance check.

In order to make this happen they need to raise £2m from the crowd and show that it is no longer financial institutions determining who gets funded, but in fact, people who can control the purse strings and determine what gets funded.

"We are witnessing a shift from financial institutions deciding who gets the money, to you deciding who gets the money." Simon Dixon, CEO

You can back them, invest in them or just see how the bid is getting on here.

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