ag reads Psalm51 *another parking garage pt1

1 year ago

reading the Psalms on a ledge
tempted to sit up here but not gonna do it
mildly afraid of heights but i did go sky diving this one time so...
if you fall from this height it will not be pretty, folks
worst case scenario on repeat
my ocd has add
paranoia gets bored w/ itself and moves on to another delusion
this Psalm is read quite often in the Orthodox Church
non-orthodox society reads Psalm51
fuck all things that interrupt me
create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right Spirit w/ in me.
restore to me the joy of your salvation and uphold me with your guiding Spirit.
a sacrifice to God is a broken spirit.
a broken and humbled heart God will not despise.
he got bathsheba's husband killed in order to cover up the fact that he got her dumbass pregnant
david wrote 73 of the 150 Psalms
the pain that comes from shame meets the glory of salvation
contrite is the right word!
masculinity comes from revving yer engine totally, nothing else
it's almost as annoying as this camera work
propaganda is internalizing his reaction to this
this is the bad thing about parking garages, they do this at the parking garage by cafe coco every time i go
i seem to find a feather every single week
and i was told that a found feather is a sign of faith

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