Directed-Energy Weapons - The Future of Missile Defense #laserweapon

1 year ago

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Over the last 40 years, the Defense Department has held a fluctuating interest in the potential of directed-energy weapons as a means of missile defense. Only recently, as technology has matured, has this interest gained momentum and serious attention. As these futuristic weapons inch closer to actualization, they hold the promise of a transformative shift in warfare dynamics.
Ronald Reagan's Strategic Defense Initiative was a precursor in the quest for an advanced missile defense system. Over the years, lasers and high-powered microwaves have been researched with varying levels of investment and enthusiasm. A resurgence of interest in 2015, pushed by Congress, dwindled until Mike Griffin's tenure during the Trump administration. However, the central challenge has always been the technological readiness of these innovations.
The Missile Defense Agency (MDA) has consistently been on the watch for viable directed-energy weapons technology. As Laura DeSimone, MDA executive director, notes, the recent advancements in the sector have been noteworthy. The US national laboratories, the Department of Energy, and the broader industry have made significant strides. These advancements have propelled the Defense Department to intensify funding for the research and development of high-energy lasers and microwave weapons.

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