Intro Trailer - Meninfluencer

7 years ago

*Welcome to Meninfluencer!*

Hey there - I’m Junaid Minshad from Meninfluencer! Thanks for checking out this channel! :) I make videos to help YOU crush YOUR life with lifetime strategies to influence your OWN life! Make sure you’re checking out more of my videos and “SUBSCRIBE” to be notified when I upload. Thanks - Enjoy these VIDEOS! :D

Men’s Style, Self-Development, Grooming, Fitness and Lifestyle Expert, Junaid Minshad from Meninfluencer thinks that there are A LOT of people who want MORE out of life, BUT they are struggling to get up and fight for it or they simply Do Not Know HOW!

That’s why you can find HELPFUL tips and tricks to help YOU reach YOUR full potential! So Stay Tuned!


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