Training and Joint pain. Mobility work, Exercise tips and Strategies

6 years ago


Anyone who has trained for any length of time has experienced joint pain. It is one of those things that can keep us from enjoying our training or even being able to train at all.

In my case I've had both hip and shoulder issues. Both have been corrected now. Although with my shoulder it has only been until quite recently that I could say it has finally made it back to 100%.

A good place to start is right at the beginning of your workout with the warm up. I have done both a upper and lower body mobility warm up on this channel. If you are interested in getting some ideas for you own mobility warm up check out those videos.

Working on eliminating muscle imbalances will help to prevent Joint injuries. More than one muscle is used when we perform most exercises, so if we have a weak muscle group it can cause undue stress on another stabilizing muscle, increasing our potential for injury.

Adjusting our body position and rep ranges can take some of the stress off our joints so it is worth while trying some them out.

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