Are germs jumping all over and September 2023 lockdown?

1 year ago

Today we break down are germs jumping all over and are they planning a lockdown? Information from the book the contagion myth by Dr Cowan and the invisible rainbow by arthur firstenberg

1:30 September Lockdown?
2:00 New “outbreak”?
3:30 Wearing a face covering
7:40 Bubonic plague
8:15 *1886 rollout of the power lines
10:45 Radio wave sickness and technology rolling out
12:30 Edward Jenner and Louis Pasteur
13:30 Lancaster Study of 1923
15:55 Upas Tree Adder Bite
17:35 DDT poisoning
19:21 FM radio and TV
22:20 1980s
23:00 Bhutan and Electricity
25:13 Technology and Toxins altering blood brain barrier
26:52 *Lead Pencil - Graphite
27:44 *Largest Lawsuit in the US
32:45 The heart is not a pump
33:00 *Crown Chakra Illness
36:33 *Auras Merging and 6 feet distancing
39:05 Fear frequency of Nature and LIFE
40:30 Things to think about
43:10 *Hunzu Tribe and frequency purging
46:15 Following the money $$
46:36 *Flexner Report
51:00 Keep making up the story
52:40 Scorpion sting
54:10 Nature healing for stings
58:20 *Conspiracy theorist

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