How To Lower Estrogen Levels In Males Naturally

5 years ago

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How to lower estrogen levels in males naturally

One of the first things we should talk about when discussing how to lower estrogen levels in men is that we need some estrogen as it’s an important hormone when it comes to our brain and cardiovascular function, bone health, libido, and cholesterol regulation.

So what we are really looking at here is having a proper hormone balance and while that could really include the entire endocrine system, we are going to focus on estrogen and it’s relationship to testosterone. We tend to think of these hormones as a male hormone and a female hormone because of course women have more estrogen and men have more Testosterone.

How to lower estrogen levels in males naturally. This is an important topic because when our hormones end up out of balance with our estrogen elevating too high, it lowers our testosterone not only affecting our ability to build muscle, but it can cause us to have increased belly fat and man boobs. Not a nice muscular chest like a man wants, but that soft fatty tissue that looks great on a woman,

but not so much on a man.

High estrogen levels contribute to enlarging of the prostate, low Libido and put you at a high risk for type 2 diabetes.

One of the reasons often listed for increasing estrogen levels in men is aging and while aging in itself may play some role it doesn’t play as big a role as age related weight gain and inactivity.

As a matter of fact these issues like inactivity can start to have a negative impact on your hormone balance even at a young age. To illustrate they did a study on 19 year olds and compared the hormone values of inactive, sedentary 19 year olds to physically active ones.

An interesting side note is that while the average height and weight of the participants was close to the same, the sedentary groups had a higher body fat percentage although they were not overweight.

What they found is that the active teens had a more anabolic hormone profile than the inactive teens with higher testosterone and lower cortisol. So inactivity can have a negative impact on our hormone balance even at a young age.

A couple of videos ago I mention a study were inactive overweight men with the average age of 49 were put on a 12 week lifestyle modification program. And what they found was that the men who did the greatest amount of physical activity over this 12 week period had a significant increase in testosterone. Showing that we can improve our hormone balance simply by being more active and exercising.

The next thing that is strongly connected to having high estrogen levels is body fat and in particular belly fat. Our excess body fat is connected to the enzyme aromatase. Aromatase converts testosterone to estrogen further lowering our testosterone levels and increasing estrogen. Losing this excess fat will help to get our estrogen under control and rebalance our hormones.

A good weight loss diet is about more than just eating less, certain foods contain compounds like indole-3-carbinol and Calcium d-glutarate they help to regulate estrogen and are found in cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, Brussel sprouts, kale and turnips.

With calcium d-glutarate also being in fruit like grapefruit, apples and oranges.

Some types of mushrooms like white button and Portobello contain phytochemical’s that work as an aromatase blocker preventing the conversion of testosterone into estrogen.

It’s also what we drink when we are trying to rebalance our hormonal systems we need to watch our alcohol consumption. alcohol contains empty calories, but it interferes with liver and kidney function, which affects the body’s ability to regulate estrogen.

Effect of Alcohol on Teststerone;

Men improving testosterone levels with exercise

Hormone levels compared between active and sedentary teens v

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