Fitness should compliment your lifestyle.

1 year ago

Fitness should compliment your lifestyle.

It's very easy to let your physical health go to the way side

because everything else takes a priority.

We think of fitness and exercise as some horrible task that needs to be taken on with full energy and focus.

In an ideal world we wouldn't get tired from work or stressed out by other things that need to be done and have a strong enough will to take on physical challenges... but we don't live in an ideal world. We live in this one and it's different for everyone.

I say taking the path of least resistance that fits your lifestyle is the best method in getting back on the horse.

Exercising is a form of friction and if we add too much friction

to anything it'll come to a stop.

Start making small changes in your life such as going for a walk every now and again. Getting some sunshine if you're stuck inside all day. Maybe going for a jog to your favorite music or even dusting off those dumbbells in your garage and doing some curls.

You'd be surprised by the moment that a small change can make in your life.

1000 small steps are better than one giant leap because you'll learn so much along the way

#fitness #motivation #coach #mentalhealth #exercise #trainer #mindset #fitnessmotivation #inspire

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