Full Body Workout 3 Times a Week With Squats (Workout "B")

5 years ago

Today I’m going to show you the B workout in my new training program it is a year long program and I’m now a little more than 5 months into it. I posted the A workout not to long ago and have just now added in a C workout with each workout complementing the other. Because of adding in the C workout I did change one exercise, but I’ll show you that when we get to it in the workout.

This week happens to be a bit of a deload week. So, I’m only doing two sets per exercise. Next week I’ll add in another set, then in 3 weeks I’ll add in one more. This is what I call the bottom of the ladder for the rep ranges I use, which is 5 to 10 reps in 9 weeks we will take a step up the ladder and move into the 10 to 15 rep range.

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If you have been watching my channel for a while then you have seen me do this warm up exercise before it goes by a lot of different names. It’s a mobilization movement that feels good for your lower back and gets it ready for exercise. It gives you a nice little dynamic stretch as well as engaging your entire core.

I’ve always been a bit of a minimalist when it comes to warm up sets, but the heavier you start to train and the closer to your one rep max you start training the more warm up sets you will need to do.

So my first exercise up is sumo front squats. Holding the weight up front puts more of the load on the quads and takes a little bit off the glutes and lower back, but it does work the upper back more when it comes to stabilizing the body through the movement. Having your legs in a slightly wider position works a adductors more. Than suitcase or back squats.

Next up is incline bench again just a light warm up to prep the joints and get in the groove of the movement.

Everyone has a little different way to get the weights into position, I’ve always used the momentum of my upper body as I sit into position and a double leg kick to get the weights up. I like to do my reps with the weights away from my body in a wider position at the bottom of the exercise then push up and towards the middle of my chest it gives you a nice stretch in that bottom position getting that bit extra out of the muscle fibres as you go up. It’s not super wide but when you look at my first rep, when I’m just getting set you can see the difference.

To work the hamstrings I do Romanian Deadlifts. This is a super effective exercise when done correctly. As you go down your knees should be bent a bit, moving your hips back with your back remaining straight throughout the movement. You go down until you feel a good stretch in the hamstrings then come back up. As you go back up into the standing position focus on thrusting your hips forward don’t think so much of the movement as lifting with your back it’s about contracting those hamstrings and glutes as you drive forward.

Upright rows have been a long time staple of my workouts I did a really good break down of these and how they should be done in my Thor shoulder workout video.
They are a great exercise to add width to your shoulders. Really hitting the lateral delts and upper back.

I’ve just added spider curls into this workout to better complement the bicep exercise that I have chosen to do in the C workout. This movement really develops that baseball bicep look. And it works best when you give your biceps that extra squeeze in the top position.

It replaced 21’s I love this exercise. It isn’t a heavy weight movement. It is all about time under tension. With the first seven reps only being the bottom half of the movement then the next seven the top half with the final seven being the full range of motion. This one gives a killer pump! If you haven’t done this one before you should give it a try. Especially if your someone who loves the feeling of a massive arm pump.

For the triceps I’m doing decline Tricep Extensions. I’ve read of a couple of studies that have shown the decline position activates more muscle fibres than lying Tricep Extensions. I’m doing this first set with a neutral position. I’ve found that as I start to lift heavier this position causes me elbow pain, but if I simply turn my hands in a more prone position it relieves the pain.

I have always been a fan of planks and a good way to advance them is to add 5 to ten seconds to your time every few weeks as opposed to trying to going to failure each time. Just use a gradual progression. After you can plank for 2 minutes then increase the challenge by raising an arm or leg off the floor. I increase the number of sets I do of planks the same way I do with all my other exercises with 60 to 90 seconds rest in between.

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