How Do We Become Free?

1 year ago

I used to HATE Mondays.

In my first real job, I was a Cashier.

7 am start, 5 pm finish.

I didn’t have a car, so I would leave my house at 6 am and COMMUTE to work.

Count money I didn’t own all day, in a soul sucking office...and then get a ride halfway home...and walk the rest.

5 days a week.

And MONDAYS were the worst.

I was genuinely depressed on Sundays. Like actually genuinely miserable.

So Sunday didn’t even feel like a day off because I was thinking about how much I didn’t want to go work the next day.

Of course, I got better jobs as I got older, and the depression was never AS bad.

But I always had that feeling of HATING Mondays.

For me I don’t think it was as much about the job as it was about the control the job had over my life.

I HAD to be somewhere at some time.

I couldn’t be in in the garden or drink coffe on my balcony, because I had to show up at X place at X time.

And it infuriated me.

When I was younger I always dreamed of finding a way to work where I’m completely location independent, I can be anywhere and still make money.

I wanted to travel the world and make money from a laptop and be free.

If I HAD to work Monday morning, fine, let me do it from a 5-star hotel in Nija.

A computer is a computer, wtf do I have to be on the shit one in the office for?

If you want real freedom?

You need to connect with verified millionaires.

Who made their money before selling you information.

When you look at their life, it’s obvious they know what they’re talking about.

It’s, for this reason, I put myself in those environments.

It’s truly life-changing when you wake up to a life you love.

You MUST buy your freedom in this world unless you came from a rich family.

Which means for you reading this, you will be a slave until you take control of your life.

Want to buy your freedom?

You can go to the gym, take vitamins and eat perfectly. But if you don’t have a clear mind and a happy heart you’re still going to be unhealthy.
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I deserve abundance in my life.
I am worthy of a wealthy life.
Money is good, I love money.
The more I give, the more I receive.
The more I receive, the more I give.
Money is a free flowing energy that keeps coming into my life.
I earn money with joy and ease.

#AfricanHistory #GenerationalWealth #AfrocentricConsciousness #Healing

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