Breakthrough And Progress With Advanced German Volume Training or GVT

5 years ago

Breakthrough And Progress With Advanced German Volume Training or GVT

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Breakthrough And Progress With Advanced German Volume Training or GVT
Anyone who has been training for a while knows it is a lot easier to make progress when we first start working out. The people who are most successful know when it is time to make a change. Most of the time it doesn’t need to be a big sweeping change. We might only have one exercise we are struggling to progress on. Advanced German volume training can help us do this, as you could easily apply it to the one exercise and leave the rest of your program the same.

Advanced GVT is quite a bit different than the beginner and intermediate phases of the program. I wouldn’t recommend this program to someone just starting to train, but does address some of the weaknesses that tend to hold a lot of people back like poor work capacity. Improving this will increase your ability to lift heavier because you’ll have increased your energy reserves and ability to recover.

I did a video on the first two phases of this program. so, I will link that at the end of this video. To help you get a more complete picture.

The biggest misunderstanding about GVT is that it is all about 10 sets of 10 reps. This only happens in the first phase. By the second phase, the amount of weight you are using goes up and reps drop down to 6. At the advanced level, the first workout starts with 10 sets of 5 reps using a weight that’s about 75% of your one-rep max or the same weight that you would reach failure on after ten reps. Then for the next 2 workouts, you increase the weight by 6 to 9% and reduce the sets by 1 rep.

So let’s say you can bench 200 lbs for ten reps. No, actually let’s say you're stuck and you’ve been benching 200 lbs for ten reps and you just can’t seem to get one more rep. This is how you would use Advanced German Volume Training to get passed this plateau. On your first workout, you would use 200 lbs for 10 sets of 5 reps. For the next workout which we will call workout 2, you would add 6 to 9% more weight which would be around 12 to 18 pounds. So we will make it 215 lbs for 10 sets of 4 reps. The following workout or workout number 3 we increase the weight again for another 6 to 9%, making the total 230 lbs done for 10 sets of 3 reps.

Now on workout 4, it is time to start increasing the reps. We will go back to the weight we used on workout 2 which was 215 lbs and increase the number of reps we are doing from 4 to 5, still for the 10 sets. I should mention the rest times between all sets is 60 to 90 seconds. And if for some reason you can’t complete all the reps with good form and maintain the rest times then you should repeat the workout until you can.

Workout 5 increases the weight back up to 230 lbs. except now we will be doing 4 reps on each set instead of 3.

By Workout number 6 we are almost ready to test for our new 10 rep max. But first, we increase the weight one last time another 6 to 9% which makes the weight 250 lbs and we do this for 3 reps of 10 sets

Workout number 7 is when we retest to see how far we have progressed. We should now be benching 230lbs for approximately 10 reps. An increase of 15%.

When doing the entire Advanced German Volume training program it takes about 2 months to complete and it is meant to be a part of a 5 phase plan. When you put all the phases together it takes almost 6 months to finish.

There is one other notable change with advanced GVT when you compare it to the beginner and intermediate phases in addition to the amount of weight and reps changing on each workout. With the first two phases, they have 3 different workouts that repeat every 5 days and now in the advanced there are 6 different workouts that repeat every 10 days. 2 different workouts for chest and back, legs and abs as well as arms and shoulders. So it still hits every major muscle group twice every 10 days. With 4 exercises per workout the first two being antagonistic supersets just like the first phases.

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