The Strange Death Of Isaac Kappy | RIP Brave Man | We’ve Got it From Here Patriot

1 year ago

The Strange Death Of Isaac Kappy

RIP BRAVE MAN - The words Isaac spoke that led to his death…

Isaac Kappy Exposes Hollywood Elite Before “Suicide”

According to police, he “forced himself off” (as opposed to jumping?) from an overpass onto Interstate 40 in Bellevue, Arizona, where he was struck by an oncoming pickup truck. His death was ruled a suicide.

Isaac Kappy's life was cut short on 13 May 2019, a few days after he posted this Periscope video. There is no indication in the video that he was suicidal. In fact, the original title of the video, when he posted it, was “I am definitely not feeling suicidal”

Isaac Kappy was an actor known for his supporting roles in the films, ‘Thor', ‘Terminator Salvation' and the cable TV series, ‘Breaking Bad'. In 2018, he began to accuse Hollywood people of being involved in a pedophile blackmail “cult”. As he says in this video:

“…when you're talking about really elite levels, the name of the game is blackmail. So, they want something on you that they can hold over your head, so they can basically own you and tell you what to do, and they film it, and then they own you. So that's what runs the whole system.”

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